Problem Description
A peak number is defined as continuous digits {D0,D1 … Dn-1} (D0 > 0 and n >= 3),which exist Dm (0 < m < n – 1) satisfied Di-1 < Di (0 < i <= m) and Di > Di+1 (m <= i < n – 1).
A number is called bi-peak if it is a concatenation of two peak numbers.
The score of a number is the sum of all digits. Love8909 is crazy about bi-peak numbers. Please help him to calculate the MAXIMUM score of the Bi-peak Number in the closed interval [A,B].
The first line of the input is an integer T (T <= 1000),which stands for the number of test cases you need to solve.
Each case consists of two integers “A B” (without quotes) (0 <= A <= B < 2^64) in a single line.
For the kth case,output “Case k: v” in a single line where v is the maximum score. If no bi-peak number exists,output 0.
Sample Input
3 12121 12121 120010 120010 121121 121121
Sample Output
Case 1: 0 Case 2: 0 Case 3: 8 题意:定义"特殊数"为两次先上升后下降形成的数,且第一位大于等于0,没有前导零,问所有满足条件的数中,位数和最大的是多少。 思路:可以把两座山峰看做7个状态,0:还没有到第一个山的上坡 1:到了第一个山的上坡,但是还不能“转弯”,即不能向下折,后面也类似 2:任然是第一个山的山坡,但是可以“转弯” 3:到了第一个山坡的下坡,且可以“转弯” 4:到了第二个山的上坡,但是还不能“转弯” 5:到了第二个山的的上坡,且可以转弯 6:到了第二个山的下坡。#include<iostream> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<math.h> #include<vector> #include<map> #include<set> #include<queue> #include<string> #include<bitset> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef unsigned long long ull; #define inf 99999999 #define MOD 1000000007 int wei1[100],wei2[100]; int dp[100][10][8]; int dfs(int pos,int pre,int state,int flag1,int flag2) { int i,j; if(pos==0){ if(state==6)return 0; return -inf; } if(!flag1 && !flag2 && dp[pos][pre][state]!=-1){ return dp[pos][pre][state]; } int min1=flag1?wei1[pos]:0; int max1=flag2?wei2[pos]:9; int ans=-inf; for(i=min1;i<=max1;i++){ if(state==0){ if(i>0){ ans=max(ans,i+dfs(pos-1,i,1,flag1&&i==min1,flag2&&i==max1) ); } else if(i==0)ans=max(ans,0+dfs(pos-1,flag2&&i==max1)); } else if(state==1){ if(i>pre){ ans=max(ans,2,flag2&&i==max1)); } } else if(state==2){ if(i>pre){ ans=max(ans,flag2&&i==max1)); } if(i<pre){ ans=max(ans,3,flag2&&i==max1 ) ); } } else if(state==3){ if(i<pre){ ans=max(ans,flag2&&i==max1 ) ); } if(i>0){ ans=max(ans,4,flag2&&i==max1 ) ); } } else if(state==4){ if(i>pre){ ans=max(ans,5,flag2&&i==max1)); } } else if(state==5){ if(i>pre){ ans=max(ans,6,flag2&&i==max1 ) ); } } else if(state==6){ if(i<pre){ ans=max(ans,flag2&&i==max1) ); } } } if(!flag1 && !flag2){ dp[pos][pre][state]=ans; } return ans; } int main() { ull m,n; int T,j,cas=0; memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); scanf("%d",&T); while(T--) { cin>>m>>n; int len=0; while(n){ len++; wei2[len]=n%10; n/=10; wei1[len]=m%10; m/=10; } int ans=dfs(len,1); if(ans<0)ans=0; printf("Case %d: %d\n",++cas,ans); } return 0; }